雅思口语part 2 人物类7分必学技巧:学会举小例子

雅思口语part 2 人物类题目中,有一题是描述你崇拜的人:

Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

You should say:

 Who this person is 

 How you knew this person

 What kinds of things you like to do together 

 and explain how you feel about this person  

最后一问几乎都是"how you feel about this person? ", 面对这样一个问题,不同的同学会有不同的回答策略。

A同学:well, how i feel about this person ..., firstly i think my friend is friendly and helpful, also he is kind of like humorous, and he seems to be adventurous, so i really admire him.

B 同学:well, first i believe my friend is friendly and helpful, you know whenever i get stuck in a tight corner, feeling quite hopeless and depressed, he is always there, trying to give me a hand. also, he seems very humorous, and his smiles i guess could light up the whole town, so people around him are feeling relaxed and like being with him. finally what i really want to say is that he is super adventurous, like he has the courage to do extreme sports, he ever jumped from a plane several hundred meters high. that\'s why i admire him.


通过上面的例子可以看出,A 同学使用了简单的“堆积形容词”的方式,B同学除了“堆积形容词” 之外,还在每个形容词后补充了“小例子”,而这些例子充分支持了前面的形容词。显然,B同学的回答更有说服力



1. humorous = have a sense of humor 幽默感

eg. My father is extremely humorous, he always tells jokes that can bring down the house. so everyone in my extended family enjoys spending time with him. 

2. hardworking = devote himself to sth 努力 

eg. My father is quite hardworking, although he is the boss now, he still shows up in the company early in the morning, and working overtime seems to be a routine thing for him. so i think he has devoted himself to his career, in order to earn more money to support the family. 

3. sympathetic 有同情心的

eg. My wife is definitely the most sympathetic person that i have ever known, coz she enjoys listening to everyone\'s story, especially when a family or friend gets hurt and feels depressed, my sweetie is always the first person at their side to provide comfort, and i have to say she is pretty brilliant at comforting people. 

写小例子的技巧真的太重要了,它可以让你把1.内容具体化,同时你可以适当2应用"paraphrasing" 技巧,而且你还可以充分3.体现你词汇的多样性可谓一举多得。



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