
has some real clout on social media 在社交媒体上具有一定的影响力

Esmeralda has some real clout on social media. She has so many followers who watch all her vlogs. 埃斯梅拉达在社交媒体上具有一定的影响力, 她的粉丝们都看她的vlogs

an influencer with real clout一个真正有影响力的人

We’ve decided to hire an influencer with real clout to help us launch our new project. 我们已决定聘请具有真正影响力的人来帮助我们启动新项目。

use his clout to sell sth. 带货

Derek used his clout to sell the new perfume to his millions of followers. 德里克利用他的影响力将新香水卖给他那数百万的粉丝。

get any more followers 涨粉

That’s right. So,  – did you have any success in getting any more followers? Do you have some more clout? 没错。那,你有涨粉吗?你的影响力扩大了吗?

post my new photo 上传我的照片

like it 点赞

Yes! My mum just followed me and as soon as I posted my new photo, someone liked it! 嗯!我刚发上去我的自拍,老妈就关注我了,一些人也点赞了!

use one's clout to do sth. 用影响力做某事(这个clout 可以指社交网络上网红的影响力,也可以指政治和商业上的)

My boss used their clout to get the deal done. 我的老板利用他们的影响力达成交易。



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