


In 1971, hot on the heels of plate-tectonic theory's acceptance, J. W. Morgan suggested that hotspots—areas of intense volcanism such as Hawaii, Yellowstone, and Iceland—are fueled by plumes of hot material arising in the deep mantle and punching through the mobile shallow mantle and crust to the surface. Morgan's theory was developed to explain the time-progressive trails of volcanoes associated with some hotspots and the hotspots' apparent fixity relative to one another.

If the sources of the volcanism were rooted in the immobile deep mantle, they would not move relative to one another and the plates at the surface would drift above, bearing away trails of volcanism.

According to a recent article by geologist G. R. Foulger, however, although hotspots do exist, they do not have time-progressive volcanic trails and are not fixed relative to one another.

本文开篇给出JW观点认为hotspot是由plumes of hot material加热的。第二句说这个理论解释了火山的时间序列。第三句是论证的假设,即如果火山的扎根在不动的地幔中,那么他们将不会彼此关联并且板块也会漂移,使得火山飘走。第四句给出结论说尽管hotspot存在,但是不能解释火山的时间序列。

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

A.  It points out some unintended consequences of a theory.

B.  It elucidates the thinking behind Morgan's suggestion.

C.  It explains why the theory of plate tectonics had been accepted

D.  It expresses the author 's attitude toward Morgan's suggestion.

E.  It introduces an alternative to Morgan's suggested explanation.



Springtown’s fire department wants the town council to buy it another ladder truck. These trucks are useful in fighting fires in high-rise buildings. The town council argues, however, that Springtown has only two high-rise buildings, and it already owns enough ladder trucks to fight any fires there. So, they say, Springtown does not need another ladder truck.

The town council's argument assumes that

A. Springtown cannot afford to buy another ladder truck

B. Springtown's high-rise buildings all meet or exceed current fire safety standards

C. the number of high-rise buildings in Springtown is likely to grow

D. at least one of Springtown's ladder trucks is not due to be permanently removed from service in the immediate future

E. it is possible to fight fires successfully in high-rise buildings without using ladder trucks.





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