2.26雅思考试难易大解析:口语三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation

本预测涵盖 2022年1月的雅思纸笔口语和机考口语。注意因为是1月份进入新题换题季, 1月考试的同学以准备新题为主。新题和保留题的比例大约为7:3。请大家结合题库,本份预测和串题的思路进行复习。Part12 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备。 *重点优先按顺序准备题目,一边题库一边预测服用更佳哦。 考前确保所有预测都有按顺序刷过一遍(文档结尾附串题建议) 

三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation


Mirror/Dreams/Weekend/Arts/Taking photos/Sports/Websites/Cinemas

Street food/Street market/E-mails/Festival/Time Management/ Getting lost/Flowers and trees/Shoes/Handwriting/Public gardens and parks/Science/weather/Concentration/TV program/Headphones




Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

Describe a story someone told you and you remember

Describe a course that impressed you a lot

Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

Describe a special cake you received from others

Describe a skill that you learned from older people

Describe someone you really like to spend time with

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe a person who you follow on social media

Describe a rule that you dont like

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend


Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school

Describe an occasion when many people were smiling

Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)

Describe a time when you shared something with others (or another person)

Describe an argument two of your friends had

Describe a time you visited a new place

Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen

Describe a long walk you ever had

Describe a city that you think is interesting

Describe a quiet place that you like to spend time in

Describe a café you like to visit

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didnt like

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

Describe a famous athlete you know

Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop

Describe an item on which you spent more than expected

Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc.) you want to improve

Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

Describe a time when you got up early

Describe a businessman you admire

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school

Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Describe a good service you received



Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school 小学印象最深的人You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew him / her

Why he / she impressed you most

And explain how you felt about him / her

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way 机智解决问题的人

You should say

Who this person is

What the problem was

How he/she solved it

And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

先是小学印象最深的人这个topic,大家可以聊一位老师,这位老师之所以让我印象深刻就是因为他/她是一位聪明且非常有经验的老师,特别在处理学生关系这一块,那体现在哪里呢?比如说有一次我跟班里面的某位同学因为一件小事起了争执(fight over … ),好几个星期都没说话,这位老师了解事情的来龙去脉后为了让我们和好(make up),特地在后面一次课堂中让全班同学玩了一个需要互相配合的小游戏并且安排我们一对,使我们得以冰释前嫌。那接着是机智解决问题的人,大家同样可以聊这位老师,不过为了避免串题意图过于明显,这位老师可以是你初中或者高中时期的老师,这个问题的话可以依旧是前面的内容:我跟班里面的某位同学因为一件小事起了争执,好几个星期都没说话,这位老师了解事情的来龙去脉后并没有直接找我们谈话,而是在后面一次课堂中让全班同学玩了一个需要互相配合的小游戏并且安排我们一对,使我们得以重归于好。

此外这两个topic我们也可以聊一位小学同学,那他/她之所以让我印象最深就是因为他/她非常聪明,总能够在别人不知所措的时候想到问题的解决方法,比如说有一次一起在草坪上玩,我不小心摔倒了,随身带的硬币掉了一地只找回来几个,剩下的怎么找都找不到(问题),这位同学想了一会后回家拿了一个带有磁铁的玩具(a toy with magnets in it)回来帮我把剩下的硬币都找回来了(机智解决)。



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