

- 你喜欢在大城市还是小城市生活?

- 喜欢发短信还是打电话?

- 喜欢把旧的东西留着还是处理掉?

而有选择困难症的同学在做这类题时,往往会脑袋冒烟,四肢无力,只能抽签决定which one。因此,笔者认为,与其逐道题目准备,不如在备课前期就准备一些“万金油”。用这些常用的理由,帮助自己在15秒准备时间过后,就能迅速有话可说。




1. 时间



If you have one week to travel, would you like to visit just one place or to travel to several different places?


If I had one week to travel, I personally prefer to stay at one place. I choose this because you get to settle down at one place. You can do anything you want instead of always hurrying to your next spot. (到这里说了快20秒,但信息表达效率并不高)

Furthermore, going to different places will distract you because you only have one week, and you have to separate that one week into several different places, which leaves you with only one or two days. With this, you will be able to only take a quick scan of what it there, but never get to blend in or fit in.







If I had one week, I prefer to stay at one place because I get to take my time and have a better/in-depth travel experience. As student, I am always busy with classes, assignments and projects. So, to me time is precious. If I only have a one week of break, I wanna make the most of it. However, if I choose to visit different places, time will be wasted on the road. For example, I may have to switch between buses, taxis, or cars, which can take hours or days.


2. 花费



Some people keep all things in the house, other people throw them away which do you prefer?



I prefer to keep old things in the house. First, it helps me save money. As a student, I don’t have much money. All my income comes from my parents. Therefore, I’d like to be careful with how I spend it and try to make use of what I have. For example, a lot of the old things are still usable- purses, shoes, photo frames and the like. If I just throw them away, then I have to buy new ones.



I prefer to just throw away old things in the house. First, it helps me save money. Although many people believes that many old items are still usable, and throwing them away may be a waste, they forget that it also costs money to clean the house if we just keep hoarding things up. As things pile up and we slowly run out of rooms, we may even have to move to bigger houses, which means a much greater cost than if we just do away with the old items.

第二个理由大家应该很容易想到扔掉旧东西,也更容易move on或者买了新物品会有更好的体验这样的理由吧。

3. 精力



Do you prefer to multitask or just focus on one thing at a time?



I prefer to focus on one thing at a time. While most of us believe that multitasking means we should be more efficient, the truth is that when people multitask, they are simply changing from one task to another rapidly, which requires more great effort to focus and refocus, causing mental fatigue.

4. 个性



Some people prefer to be the lab assistant as a part-time job at the university. Other people prefer to be the campus tour guide. Which position would you choose and why?

这道题的核心在于把lab assistant和campus tour guide所涉及到的具体活动和对于相应个性的要求。最明显的莫过于接触到的人群广泛度:前者可能只需要专注于实验室的工作,不太需要和人交流。但后者就要求善于和人打交道、回答他们的问题,为不同的人解决难题,这一般是外向星人更在行的。


I prefer to be a lab assistant. As an introvert, I need a lot of time alone. Being a lab assistant means I can probably just spend most of my time in the laboratory, dealing with data, equipment, or the main researcher. Unlike a campus tour guide who may have to deal with the crowd, the lab assistant job brings me more peace of mind.


作者:TD 托福教研组



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