


庙会(temple fair)是中国的一种传统民俗。它是融宗教信仰、娱乐及商业于一体的大型集会。人们可以在庙会上购买各式小吃,品尝特殊美食,欣赏传统节目,如舞狮(lion dance)、魔术和秧歌(Yangko)。近年来,庙会已成为人们欣赏传统艺术和体验传统生活的地方。中国人喜欢逛庙会,特别是在春节期间,人们携亲带友蜂拥而至,令庙会呈现一派热闹和谐的景象。


The temple fair is a kind of traditional folk custom in China. It is a large gathering that integrates religious worship, entertainment and commerce. In a temple fair, people can buy various snacks, taste special food and enjoy traditional performances such as the lion dance, magic show and Yangko. In recent years, the temple fair has become a place for people to appreciate the traditional art and experience the traditional life. The Chinese love visiting the temple fair, especially during the Spring Festival. They come in flocks with their friends and relatives, making the temple fair a lively and harmonious place.


中国实行在公禁烟令共场所禁止吸烟的规定。此举旨在控制死于与吸烟有关的疾病(smoking-related disease)的人数,并保护那些不抽烟民众的健康。然而,禁烟令的有效性却遭到了质疑,因为它没有明确规定如何处罚那些违反规定的人。在中国大约有3亿烟民,很多商家因为吸烟客人的抱怨并不欢迎禁烟令。禁烟令涉及的公共场所包括酒店、饭店、剧院和火车站候车室等,却不包括办公场所(workplace)。


A ban on smoking in public places has come into force in China. The move is aimed at curbing the number of deaths from smoking-related diseases and protecting the health of non-smoking people. But the ban has been questioned on its effectiveness because it doesn’t specify any penalty for those violating the rules. The number of smokers in China stands at around 300 million. Many businesses don’t welcome the ban because of the complaints about such rules from their customers who smoke. The ban prohibits smoking in public places such as hotels, restaurants, theatres and waiting rooms at railway stations, but not in the workplace.


农历腊月初八是腊八节(the Laba Festival),在这一天,人们会喝腊八粥。喝腊八粥这一传统起源于印度佛教,在中国已有1,000多年的历史。在那一天,许多寺庙都会以大米、花生、胡萝卜、红枣等为原料做腊八粥。腊八粥被认为具有吉祥和长寿的寓意,因此人们也称其为“福寿粥”或“福德粥”。 在古代,腊八节时每个家庭都会煮腊八粥,并祭祀他们的祖先。然后,所有的家庭成员聚在一起喝粥。


The Laba Festival is on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. People will have Laba porridge on this day. This tradition of having Laba porridge, originating from Indian Buddhism, has a history of over one thousand years in China. On that day, Laba porridge would be cooked in many temples, with ingredients such as rice, peanuts, carrots and dates. Since Laba porridge was believed to be blessed with good fortune and longevity, it was also called “Longevity Blessing Porridge” or “Virtue Blessing Porridge”. In ancient times, every family would make Laba porridge and offer sacrifice to their ancestors on the Laba Festival. Then all family members would get together to have the porridge.


中国传统价值观提倡勤(industry)俭,反对挥霍(extravagance)浪费。然而近年来,社会上出现了一群叫作“月光族”(the moonlight clan)的人。“月光族”成员大多是年轻人。他们刚刚步入工作岗位,收入不多,但总是在月底前把收入花得一干二净,不留半点积蓄。他们知道如何购买各种各样的商品,知道如何享受生活,但却没有养成存钱的习惯。“月光族”的消费习惯并不正常,有时可以说是一种浪费。


Chinese traditional values advocate for industry and thrift, while opposing extravagance and waste. However during recent years, a group of people who are dubbed “the moonlight clan” have appeared in society. Members of “the moonlight clan” are mostly young people who have just started to work. They do not earn much, but always exhaust their earnings before the end of every month without any savings. They know how to enjoy life by purchasing different kinds of goods, but have not developed a habit of saving money. The consumption habit of “the moonlight clan” is unhealthy and sometimes wasteful.


颐和园(the Summer Palace)位于北京西北郊,是中国规模最大、保存最完好的皇家园林(royal garden)。它始建于12世纪,历经几百年的翻新和扩建,到19世纪末,颐和园具备了我们今天所见的规模。这座古老的园林由宫殿、庙宇、园林、亭台楼阁(pavilion)、湖泊和走廊构成,完美展现了自然美景和皇家园林的气派(grandeur)。清朝末年,颐和园是皇室的避暑胜地。如今,颐和园已集热门旅游景点和休闲公园于一身。


The Summer Palace, located in the northwest suburbs of Beijing, is the largest and most well-preserved royal garden in China. It was first built in the 12th century. Renovation and extension in the following several hundred years till the end of the 19th century led it into the scale we see today. Palaces, temples, gardens, pavilions, lakes and corridors constitute this ancient garden which fully displays the natural beauty and the grandeur of imperial garden. It served as a summer resort for the royal family in the late years of the Qing Dynasty. Today the Summer Palace serves as not only a popular tourist destination, but also a recreational park.



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